Shepherding the Flock Ministries has recently begun the new ministry project of producing premium, professional memory verse cards in a business card size. By our Lord's grace we intend to develop an ever expanding line of such memory verse cards, including packs of various Scripture passages (such as Psalm 1:1-6; 19:7-14; 23:1-6; 51:1-19; 63:1-8; 100:1-5; John 15:1-17; James 1:2-27; 4:6-10; etc.) and packs on various Biblical subjects (such as on marriage and the home, on the gospel for evangelism, on a contrite and humble spirit, etc.). (Note: We are interested in your suggestions for individual verses, Scripture passages, or Biblical subjects.) Presented below are the illustrations for the front and back of the first four cards in this ministry project.
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